Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Botanical of the Month – Echinacea spp

Annex Naturopathic

Benefits of Echinacea spp | Annex Naturopathic Clinic | Toronto Naturopaths

On the theme of cold and flu season, as a Toronto ND I thought it would be appropriate to talk about one of the most commonly used botanical remedies for viral and bacterial infections - Echinacea spp.

Echinacea is also one of the most researched herbs in the world, with much of the research centred around its effects on boosting immune health and killing off pathogens, which is why it’s such a valuable herb during this season.

There are different types of Echinacea, with three species being the most commonly sold as medicine: Echinacea purpurea, Echinacea angustifolia, and Echinacea palladium.

Most of the research that supports the medicinal value of Echinacea is mainly centred around Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea, and should be the type of Echinacea you should choose which looking for a good brand.

For the rest of the article, I will refer to Echinacea angustifolia and Echinacea purpurea when outlining the medicinal value of Echinacea spp.

Echinacea, also known by its descriptive name, Purple Cone Flower, is part of the Asteraceae (Composite) family, and Native to North America, mainly growing in the Western prairie states, such as Illinois, Nebraska, Missouri and Texas.1

The plant grows to about 2-3 feet high, blooms from June to August and reveals purple and rose petals.

Echinacea is a relatively new plant to botanical medicine, as it is rarely mentioned in texts older than 1850.

From there, the antibiotic/antiviral properties of Echinacea were described in medicinal writings as a “blood-purifying”, being used for conditions such as ulcerated sore throats, internal abscesses, malarial fevers, cholera, and insect/reptile bites.1

These findings have paved the way for abundance of research supporting the effects of Echinacea in the treatment of infections.

Native American medicine mainly used this plant for topical infections, such as wounds, burns and insect bites.2

Parts Used

Root (some preparations use aerial parts as well)

How does Echinacea protect your body from viral and bacterial infections

The medicinal properties of Echinacea reveal that it has the best effect when used to PREVENT infection, and at the FIRST SIGNS of infection.

Echinacea directly repairs damaged tissue caused by the infection.

When a pathogen first infects a mucous membrane, such as the back of the throat, it will activate an enzyme called hyaluronidase, which breaks down our protective tissue and mucus, allowing the virus to enter the tissue and cause inflammation (and therefore pain).

Echinacea can prevent this process through inhibiting the hyaluronidase activity and by reinforcing the connective tissue, and preventing the pathogen to infiltrate the tissue infect.2,3

Echinacea boosts the immune system and reduces inflammation.3,4,5 

One of the immune-stimulating mechanisms involve activating our macrophages, which are important for killing off pathogens and removing them and other cellular debris from the area.3,4,6 

This process aids in reducing inflammation, preventing the spread of infection, and improving healing time.

Echinacea appears to enhance the innate immune system (our first line of defence) as well as reducing biochemicals produced by our bodies that stimulate inflammation, such as TNF-α, COX-1 and COX-2.

Biochemicals in Echinacea responsible for these effects include alkamides and caffeic acid, and long sugars called polysacchrides.5,6

a field of Echinacea spp | Annex Naturopathic Clinic | Toronto Naturopaths

Does Echinacea Work?

In 2014, a Cochrane Review was published claiming that Echinacea did not appear to be effective in treating the common cold, and may have potential benefit in preventing the cold.7

While this may not be an encouraging statement on the value of Echinacea, the results from this study are more-so based on the lack available studies, rather than the inefficiency of the herb itself.

There is a plethora of pharmacological evidence that shows Echinacea boosting immune activity and exhibit anti-pathogenic qualities, but we don’t seem to have enough well-designed clinical studies to prove its benefit - YET.

Bottom line is that we need more studies that prove Echinacea works.

Many physicians see Echinacea work in clinical practice.

Anecdotal evidence finds the dosing and timing of Echinacea is an important factor on whether it will work.

Based in its pharmacological profile, it makes sense to dose Echinacea at first signs of a cold, preventing the virus to spread.

Once a virus infects your body systemically, it’s unlikely that anything at this point will prevent you from feeling sick.

At this point, the anti-inflammatory and immuno-stimulating effects of Echinacea can help by reducing the severity of the infection and preventing the worsening of the condition, such as being infected by a secondary pathogen (like other viruses and bacteria) causing conditions such as pneumonia.

Don’t expect anything to “get rid” of the cold once you’re sick - your body has to go through the process of ridding the body of the infection, which is the only way to recover, and Echinacea can help your body do exactly this.


Echinacea has been confirmed to be a safe herbal medicine in with minimal side effects and adverse event profile, which no toxicological concerns when ingested for up to 6 months.8,9,10

Echinacea used in children for cough and cold is generally well-tolerated, but can increase the risk of rash in children with atopic disease such as allergies and eczema and therefore should be used with caution.10   Children should only be given Echinacea on the advice from a qualified doctor who has strong training in herbal medicine.

Echinacea has also been found to be safe to use in pregnancy, with no increase in malformations and adverse effects in pregnancy, such as preterm birth, low birth weight,.10,11,12  However it’s best recommended to limit use to only when one is actively sick, or about to get sick while pregnant, and to be recommended by a qualified doctor trained in herbal medicine.10,12

Those who have a Asteraceae family allergy should stay away from Echinacea, and long-term use of Echinacea is not recommended for those with autoimmune disease.

Echinacea is a useful plant for the prevention and treatment for the common cold.

When Echinacea works, not only does it prevent duration and severity of cold, it reduces the need to use other medications riddled with adverse effects and a worse toxicity profile such as acetominophen, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Not to mention that these pharmaceuticals do not enhance immune anti-viral activity like Echincea has been proven to do.

With the help of a qualified doctor experienced in herbal medicine, Echinacea can be a valuable tool in your cold-prevention and treatment kit.

If you’re curious to learn more about this subject or would like to consult with one of our NDs feel free to book a visit or contact us.

Yours in Health,

Annex Naturopathic Clinic
572 Bloor St W #201, Toronto, ON M6G 1K1


  1. King, J. King's American Dispensatory. Ohio Valley Company, 1898
  2. Tragni al. Evidence from two classic irritation tests for an anti-inflammatory action of a natural extract, Echinacina B.Food Chem Toxicol. 1985 Feb;23(2):317-9.
  3. Medical Herbalism: hoffman
  4. Tubaro et. al. Anti-inflammatory activity of a polysaccharidic fraction of Echinacea angustifolia.J Pharm Pharmacol. 1987 Jul;39(7):567-9.
  5. Aarland RC al Studies on phytochemical, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, hypoglycaemic and antiproliferative activities of Echinacea purpurea and Echinacea angustifolia extracts.Pharm Biol. 2017 Dec;55(1):649-656.
  6. Manayi A et. al. Echinacea purpurea: Pharmacology, phytochemistry and analysis methods.Pharmacogn Rev. 2015 Jan-Jun;9(17):63-72.
  7. Karsch-Völk M et. al. Echinacea for preventing and treating the common cold.Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014 Feb 20;(2)
  8. World Health Organization. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants, Volume 1, World Health Organization, 1999
  9. Jawad, M et. al. Safety and Efficacy Profile of Echinacea purpurea to Prevent Common Cold Episodes: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2012; 2012: 841315
  10. Ardjomand-Woelkart K, Bauer R. Review and Assessment of Medicinal Safety Data of Orally Used Echinacea Preparations.Planta Med. 2016 Jan;82(1-2):17-31.
  11. Heitmann K al. Pregnancy outcomes after prenatal exposure to echinacea: the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study.Eur J Clin Pharmacol. 2016 May;72(5):623-30.
  12. Perri D. et. al. Safety and efficacy of echinacea (Echinacea angustafolia, e. purpurea and e. pallida) during pregnancy and lactation.Can J Clin Pharmacol. 2006 Fall;13(3):e262-7.
  13. Gallo M, Sarkar M, Au W, Pietrzak K, Comas B, Smith M, Jaeger TV, Einarson A, Koren G (2000) Pregnancy outcome following gestational exposure to echinacea: a prospective controlled study. Arch Intern Med 160(20):3141–3143

To find additional ways on health, wellness, and alternative medicine, please visit us here: natural doctor

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

5 Immune Boosting Tips For Preventing Colds

Annex Naturopathic

5 Immune Boosting Tips For Preventing Colds | Annex Naturopathic Clinic Toronto

The common cold is a viral infection that is highly contagious.

That is precisely why it can seems like everyone is sick at the same time.

A combination of factors can increase the chance of getting sick: lack of sleep, exposure to other people who are sick, poor diet, stress, and nutritional deficiencies.

Being a naturoapthic doctor in Toronto, I see my share of patients with colds throughout the winter months.

Helping them take better control of their health is part of what I do.

Preventing colds in the first place is a great start for keeping yourself and those around you at your healthiest.

Here are 5 tips I share with my patients that should help prevent you from catching that cold that's going around this season:

1. Sleep.

Hopefully I can shed some new light (or perhaps darkness) on the subject.

Restful sleep is essential for optimizing our immune response.

Aspects of our modern lifestyle can drastically disrupt our sleep.

Do you lie in bed scrolling through Instagram and Facebook?

Maybe Netflix is streaming?

The light from our devices and the electromagnetic fields they emit (not to mention the cognitive stimulus) can adversely affect our bodies and sleep patterns.

Implementing a “no phones or laptops in the bedroom rule” will improve your sleep quality.

You may be thinking- “I can’t do that, my phone is my alarm clock, so it has to stay in my bedroom”.

No problem- set it to airplane mode and wifi off.

Your alarm will sound, but your phone won’t be lighting up, vibrating, buzzing or searching for wifi or network signals beside your head all night.

2. Vitamin C, and other Supplements and Herbs.

The options can see overwhelming , and the average person may not know which vitamins and herbs to take, in which form or how much.

Not to mention, all supplements aren't created equally.

Seeing a naturopathic doctor for a safe and effective protocol is advisable.

However, Vitamin C is a great start- you can safely supplement with about 2000 mg daily (be sure to take it in divided doses as it can cause diarrhea if taken all at once).

You may be wondering if drinking orange juice would be a good idea when you have a cold.

Unfortunately it’s not going to help, as the juice is high in sugar content and it would take 25 oranges to obtain 2000 mg of vitamin C.

Vitamin D also plays an important role in immune function.

Canadian guidelines recommend that we supplement with 1000 IU daily year round- however, many people are deficient and their MD/ND may recommend a much higher daily dosage.

I often order a vitamin D blood test when there is concern of deficiency and then dose appropriately for my patients to achieve optimal serum levels.

Zinc is another vitamin that supports our immune system- dosages will vary per individual, and also note that taking zinc supplements on an empty stomach may cause nausea.

Further supplementation and the inclusion of herbal protocols is best done under the supervision of an ND.

3. Sugar-free.

Avoid eating excess sugar and refined carbohydrates.

Sugar suppresses the immune system.

A study showed that healthy volunteers who ingested 100 g of sugar (equivalent to about 2 cans of Coca Cola) caused a significant decrease in the capacity of immune cells to engulf bacteria.

Homemade Soup For Preventing Colds | Annex Naturopathic Clinic Toronto

4. Broth.

Good old fashioned chicken soup.

Broths keeps us warm and hydrated.

Chicken soup has been shown to have in-vitro anti-inflammatory effects aiding with the thinning of chest congestion, mucous and improving coughs.

Here is link to the study if you’d like to read more.

I recommend making your own broth from scratch, and then increasing its immune boosting properties with a tried and true combination of Chinese herbs to brew up a Change of Season Soup.

5. Reduce your exposure to germs.

Wash your hands, and wash them often.

Give sick people their space- be supportive of the utilization of sick days and working from home.

If you do get sick, reduce exposing your sickness to others- especially those who may not be able to mount adequate immune responses (the elderly, individuals with chronic illness, infants).

If you feel like you are chronically getting sick and it takes you a long time to get better, it may be a good idea to have a thorough assessment done with a naturopathic doctor.

If you’re curious to learn more about this subject or would like to consult with one of our NDs feel free to book a visit or contact us.

Yours in Health,

Annex Naturopathic Clinic
572 Bloor St W #201, Toronto, ON M6G 1K1

To read more tips about health, wellness, and alternative medicine, please visit us here: nd toronto

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Simple Roasted Beets with Citrus

By now you probably know who's bringing the stuffing, the mashed potatoes, the gravy, and the pumpkin pie. Well at least I do. I know if I'm going to add anything else to my Thanksgiving menu, it's going to have … Go to the recipe...

The post Simple Roasted Beets with Citrus appeared first on Love and Lemons.

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Optimizing Fertility: Natural Ways to Support Egg Quality

Annex Naturopathic

Natural Ways to Support Egg Quality | Annex Naturopathic Clinic Toronto

Today, many women are choosing to have children later in life than previous generations.

Fertility treatments are a common option for those with difficulty conceiving naturally.

Creating the conditions for optimal egg quality is an important factor in achieving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.

Women are born with a set number of oocytes (eggs) and from puberty until menopause, an egg should be released from the ovary (ovulation) each month.

The quality of the egg depends on the health of its mitochondria - the powerhouse- or energy production of the cell.

The more mitochondria the healthier the egg.

As women age, they have reduced mitochondrial activity- and therefore, reduced energy production which adversely affects the egg’s viability.

Contributing Factors to Diminished Ovarian Reserve 1:

  • Advanced maternal age.
  • Exposure to systemic chemotherapy.
  • Exposure to pelvic irradiation.
  • Cigarette smoking.
  • Endometriosis.
  • Surgical procedures to the ovary.
  • Auto-immune disorders.
  • Environmental exposures.
  • Endocrine disorders (diabetes, PCOS).

Regardless of contributing factor, there are multiple ways to support egg quality.

Optimizing Fertility | Annex Naturopathic Clinic | Toronto Naturopath

How To Support Egg Quality:

Reduce Oxidative Stress

  • Quit smoking. Smoking increases oxidative stress and accelerates time to menopause. Cessation of smoking should happen 3-6 months before initiation of treatment (dependant on age and ovarian reserve).2
  • Decrease alcohol consumption. Alcohol is a reproduction toxin that can increases oxidative stress.

Improve pelvic blood flow

Exercise increases blood flow to the core and pelvic organs, while improving sexual function and mood. Moderate exercise also reduces inflammation and oxidative stress.

Increase anti-oxidants

Both in the diet and in supplement form, anti-oxidants have a protective effect on the ovaries and their mitochondira.

Bright coloured fruits and vegetable contain high amounts of anti-oxidants.

Supplemental anti-oxidants include: melatonin, pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ), alpha-lipoid acid (ALA), and resveratrol.

Support mitochondria

Although all the aforementioned points all act to support the mitochondria, there are more nutrients that support the ovaries in different ways.

A nutrient called “inostitol” improves glucose uptake and helps ensure the mitochondria of the ovaries have optimal fuel.

Another nutrient, “carnitine”, plays a role in metabolism of fatty-acids to produce energy through a process called beta-oxidation.

This process is also essential for egg maturation.

Optimize hormones and blood sugar

  • Reduce sugar consumption and lose excess weight. Increased insulin levels leases to imbalances of sex hormones and altered ovulation. Obese women have altered mitochondrial function.3
  • Women with impaired blood sugar regulation have more difficulty conceiving.4

Naturopaths are able to appropriately recommend diet, lifestyle and nutritional supplementation to help support egg quality and fertility.

The naturopathic doctors at Annex Naturopathic Clinic are experienced in working with fertility and helping women achieve and maintain healthy pregnancies.

If you’re curious to learn more about this subject or would like to consult with one of our NDs feel free to book a visit or contact us.

Yours in Health,

Annex Naturopathic Clinic
572 Bloor St W #201, Toronto, ON M6G 1K1


  1. ESHRE Guideline: management of women with premature ovarian insufficiency. Human Reproduc'on. 2016;31(5):926–37.
  2. Hughes E, Lamont D, BeecroO M, Wilson D, Brennan B, Rice S. Randomized trial of a “stage-of- change” oriented smoking cessa'on interven'on in infer'le and pregnant women. Fer'lity and Sterility. 2000;74(3):498-503.
  3. Pertynska-Marczewska M, Diaman'-Kandarakis E. Aging ovary and the role for advanced glyca'on end products. Menopause. 2017;24(3):345-351.
  4. Hjollund, NH et al. Is glycosylated haemoglobin a marker of fertility? A follow-up study of first pregnancy planners. Hum Reprod. 1999 Jun: 14(6)1478-82.

To discover additional information about health, wellness, and alternative medicine, please visit us here: toronto naturopathic doctor

Sunday, November 12, 2017

How to Grow Radishes

For more natural health and wellness news, visit: - 

By Dr. MercolaRadishes are crisp, colorful and delicious. When served raw or added to salads, radishes add a burst of bold, peppery flavor. The beauty of planting radishes is twofold: They mature in about 25 days and you can grow them in both spring and fall. Radishes are a low-calorie food that is a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidants.They help detoxify your blood, prevent cancer, purify your kidneys and urinary system and regulate your blood pressure. If you are looking for a fast-growing vegetable to add color and a flavorful zing to salads and other dishes, you may be interested in learning more about how to grow radishes.Where Did Radishes Come From?Radishes (Raphanus sativus) are a member of the cabbage or brassic as family, also known as cruciferous vegetables....
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Turkey – A Superfood and Healthy Holiday Treat

While it may be associated with opulent feasts, roast turkey is actually a healthy food when it's prepared well.

Here are some ways that turkey is a healthy superfood, and how to prepare it to get the most health benefits out of it.

Cooking a Healthy Turkey

1. Choose skinless turkey. Turkey skin has a lot of fat. Whole turkeys are not sold with the skin off, but you can remove the skin before or after roasting. Skinless breasts and cutlets are best.

2. Protein is important to a healthy diet, especially lean protein. Turkey is an excellent source of protein without the saturated fat of red meats or other protein sources, such as cheese.

3. Vitamins abound in turkey. B vitamins, zinc and potassium are the most prevalent vitamins. These are essential for cardiovascular health, nerve function, disease prevention, and immune system function.

4. Choose organic, free-range turkey whenever pos sible. This ensures that the nutrients are high, and organic turkeys will not contain antibiotics or hormones.

5. Roast or broil your turkey. Those deep fat fryers are on sale every holiday season, but pass them up. Frying it adds a great deal of fat and calories, making this superfood into a naughty treat.

6. Low-calorie protein is essential for a healthy lifestyle. Turkey is a little over 1/3 protein (a 100-gram serving has 34 grams of protein), and that same 100-gram serving has only about 160 calories.

7. Heart health is an important topic these days, and turkey is an important component in heart health. Because it is low in saturated fat, it's a protein that aids the body without the “bad fat” side effects. Also, the B vitamins in turkey enhance heart health.

8. Turkey is versatile, too. It can be served hot or cold, in soup or plain, on sandwiches or in salads. It makes a g ood snack or formal meal.

9. Tryptophan is a naturally-occurring chemical that is found in turkey. It can also be found in supplements (often called L-tryptophan), and for good reason. Tryptophan has a calming effect and can even help people who have trouble sleeping. Tryptophan can help ease anxiety, panic, and other nervous problems.

10. Weight can be kept in check by the ingestion of lean protein. Because it digests slowly, high protein meals and snacks help you feel full longer, enhancing weight loss. Proteins take a lot of calories and energy to digest, which also adds to turkey's low-calorie status.

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Vaccines - Are They Still Contributing to the Greater Good?

By Dr. Mercola

The multiple award-winning documentary, "The Greater Good," was initially released in 2011. Five years later, the tragic truth about the toxic effects of vaccines on brain and immune system health that was revealed in this ground-breaking film is as true today as it was when it was first shown in film festivals around the country.

Weaving together stories of families whose lives have been forever altered by vaccine damage, the documentary reveals how modern medicine, especially when driven by politics, ideology and big business, can rob you of some of your most basic human rights, including voluntary, informed consent to medical risk-taking.

The results of such politically- and financially-driven public health policies can be devastating. "The Greater Good" is a provocative but thoughtful and well documented examination of hot button vaccine topics. Uniquely, it includes the perspectives of prominent voices messaging differently about vaccination in mainstream media today - both those pushing for mandatory vaccination policies and those opposing forced vaccination policies.

The profiles of families, whose children have been injured or even died from vaccination are heartbreaking, and it is infuriating to learn about the short cuts that government and industry take to fast track vaccines like Gardasil, and how too many doctors dismiss vaccine reactions as "a coincidence." The film ends with a bittersweet but hopeful message, urging positive change to reduce fear so that parents, doctors and legislators can work together to protect the health of all children and prevent vaccine injuries and deaths.

Protecting Health of All Children Demands an Individual Approach to Vaccines

There needs to be an open, rational discussion about vaccination, infectious diseases and health. After all, don't all of us want our children to be healthy and safe from unnecessary harm?

If we want to protect the health of all children, we cannot continue to ignore the signs that public health policies making mandatory use of multiple vaccines in early childhood as our nation's No. 1 disease prevention strategy has gotten to the point where we have no idea how many children's lives are being sacrificed in the name of "the greater good."

From my point of view, there can be little doubt that we need to review the safety and effectiveness of the current vaccination program in the U.S., and that this review needs to include methodologically sound investigative studies that are not compromised by conflicts of interest within industry and government.  

If we don't do that now, we may not be able to stop further damage to the health of future generations. I encourage you to watch the documentary, "The Greater Good," to become better informed about the science, politics and ethics of vaccination, a film you can view for free here during this year's Vaccine Awareness Week.

Autism and The Thinking Moms Revolution

A producer of "The Greater Good"1 has also released short videos with outtakes of interviews that were conducted for the film, as well as other information covering a number of vaccine topics. The video above is about the reported relationship between vaccination and autism, featuring mothers of vaccine injured children with autism from a group called The Thinking Moms Revolution.

Autism has skyrocketed over the past few decades and scientists and public health officials continue to argue about the reasons for why it is happening but something is clearly very wrong. Three decades ago, autism affected 1 in 10,000 children.2,3 Today, it's estimated to afflict as many as 1 in 50.4

While conventional medicine still claims there's no known cause for autism increases, Thinking Moms are speaking out about how they brought a healthy child in for vaccination, and watched their child deteriorate following that vaccination. As stated by one mom: "In this country, we're indoctrinated to believe in vacc ines, and believe there's this incredibly impeccable science behind them. [But] once you start the investigation and you realize how flimsy the evidence is, for safety in particular … that's when you realize how little of this is based on fact."

On its website,5 "The Greater Good" team notes:

"In the early 2000s, CDC instructed vaccine makers to remove the mercury preservative in childhood shots. But as the mercury was being phased out of most childhood vaccinations, CDC recommended that pregnant women and infants at 6 months and again 7 months receive the flu shot - which they knew still contained mercury.

In addition to the flu shot, CDC began recommending that pregnant women also receive the Tdap vaccine (diphtheria, tetanus, and attenuated pertussis). So, pregnant women and their unborn babies are still being subjected to mercury-laden flu vaccines and aluminum-laden DTaP vaccines - and at an earlier point.

These vaccines during pregnancy contradict decades of advice to take no medications, quit smoking, stop drinking alcohol and avoid mercury laden seafood while pregnant, but people have been so conditioned to trust authority that they accept this, making it all too easy to tell parents, 'sorry, your kid was born that way' …

[G]overnment health officials maintain the charade that they are trying to find a cause for autism when they have blown $1.6 billion over the past decade looking for a supposed genetic cause despite ample science showing that environmental factors are the culprit."

The Good News

The good news is there is much more information available today about alternative biomedical therapies. These are being used by open-minded doctors addre ssing the neuroimmune dysfunction that children with vaccine-associated autism are suffering. Some children diagnosed with "autism" are improving through use of special diets, supplementation regimens and detoxification protocols tailored to their individual needs.

As noted in the video, there's a vast "underground" movement of parents who are sharing their experiences and successes and there are enlightened doctors who have been able to help children with autism when conventional medicine falls short. The Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) protocol is, in my view, among the most important treatment strategies out there, but there are also many others.

The GAPS nutritional protocol was created by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, whose son was diagnosed with autism. She understands that there's a very important connection between damaged gut flora in pregnant women and developmental problems in their children, especially autism.

Establishing normal gut flora in the first 20 days or so of life plays a crucial role in the maturation of your baby's immune system. It's important to realize that babies who develop abnormal gut flora have compromised immune systems, which puts them at higher risk for suffering vaccine reactions.

In GAPS Babies, Vaccination Can Be 'the Last Straw'

If your baby has suboptimal gut flora, vaccines can become the proverbial "last straw" - the trigger that "primes" their immune system to develop chronic health problems. According to Campbell-McBride, in children with GAPS the toxicity flowing from their gut throughout their bodies and into their brains continually challenges their nervous system, preventing it from performing its normal functions and process sensory information.

Other researchers are now starting to back up her finding s. For example, one 2013 study6 confirmed that autistic children have distinctly different microbiome compared to healthy children. Notably, they had fewer healthy bacteria, such as Bifidobacterium. Children diagnosed with autism also had markedly higher levels of toxic volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

I believe the GAPS Nutritional program is vitally important for most, as the majority of people have such poor gut health due to poor diet and toxic exposures, but it's particularly crucial for pregnant women and young children.

The best way to prevent GAPS is for the mother to avoid all processed foods, sugar, antibiotics (including CAFO meats and antibacterial soaps) and birth control pills prior to conception. These cause pathogenic yeast and fungi to grow and also cause leaky gut that allows undigested protein fragments to sneak into the blood stream contributing to autoimmune disease. This can then be followed by breastfeeding and avoiding the use of antibiotics during (intrapartum) and after delivering.  

It's also a good idea to make sure your baby's microbiome is healthy before getting any vaccinations. Fortunately, it's possible to rather inexpensively identify GAPS within the first weeks of your baby's life, which can help you make better-informed decisions about vaccinations, and about how to pro ceed to set your child on the path to a healthy life. The entire process for identifying children who would be at risk for developing autism from a vaccine is described in her book "Gut and Psychology Syndrome."

What Doctors Really Know About Vaccines

Another short video published on "The Greater Good" website makes the point that doctors are not being taught about vaccine risks in medical school. In short, doctors are being taught about administering vaccines but not about how to identify a vaccine reaction. Doctors strongly recommending and administering vaccines to children are not taught about the big gaps in vaccine safety science.

"They don't learn that no study exists comparing the medium or long term health outcomes of vaccinated to unvaccinated populations. They don't learn that vaccine safety studies don't use a true placebo, but instead use another vaccine or a solution containing mercury or aluminum as a placebo!  

They don't learn that vaccine safety studies often last a few days to a few weeks keeping hidden long term side effects. They don't learn that vaccines can overwhelm the immune system and cause autoimmune disease. They don't learn that the aluminum in vaccines is known to cause cognitive impairment, autoimmune disease, gut issues and a host of other damage to healthy adults - goodness knows what they do to tiny infants.

They don't learn that the mercury in vaccines is documented in the medical literature as a potent neurotoxin and that it is still used in the manufacturing of some vaccines and as a preservative as well. T hey don't learn how the body processes the vaccine components because, well, no one has ever researched it."

In light of such vaccine education deficiencies in most medical schools, it becomes very important for parents to educate themselves - and their pediatricians, if they can - about how to identify and prevent vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths. And this is precisely why opening up discussions about these issues is so important. There are huge gaps in general knowledge, and huge gaps in research too, and those gaps really need to be addressed.

Why Won't the CDC Study Health Outcomes?

One study that could shed a lot of light on the vaccine safety conversation is a study comparing health outcomes of vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. As illogical as it seems, there has never been a large prospective well-designed study to evaluate whether children who remain unvaccinated or receive fewer vaccines, are more or less healthy than children who receive all federally recommended vaccines. These kinds of studies do not exist.

And so the controversy about whether or not use of multiple vaccines in early childhood is having long term adverse health effects and may do more harm than good continues. That said, unofficial surveys7,8 suggest that highly vaccinated children may have more chronic health problems than unvaccinated children, and that unvaccinated children have a far lower incidence rat e of autism. There's also a growing body of research suggesting that vaccines may be associated with a variety of brain and immune system disorders, including a potential increased risk for:

  • Learning and developmental disabilities
  • Brain damage
  • Allergies, asthma, and gut problems
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Chronic infections

Autism Rates Jump Each Time Vaccine Made from Human Fetal Cell Lines Is Released

A study describing one potential unrecognized safety issue associated with vaccines was published in the September 2014 issue of the Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology.9 It discussed a potential correlation between autism and three specific vaccines: MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), varicella (chickenpox) and hepatitis-A vaccines. As reported by Global Research:10

"Using statistical analysis and data from the U.S. Government, U.K., Denmark and Western Australia, scientists at Sound Choice Pharmaceutical Institute (SCPI) found that increases in autistic disorder correspond with the introduction of vaccines using human fetal cell lines and retroviral contaminants.

Even more alarming, Dr. Theresa Deisher, lead scientist and SCPI founder noted that, 'Not only are the human fetal contaminated vaccines associated with autistic disorder throughout the world, but also with epidemic childhood leukemia and lymphomas.'"

The main argument for a vaccine-autism connection in the study is the introduction of vaccines manufactured with human fetal cell lines containing fetal and retroviral contaminants. The cell line in question is known as WI-38. According to the authors, autism rates rose sharply each time another one of th ese vaccines were released. For example, in the U.S., autism rates jumped in 1980-1981 following the approval of MeruvaxII and MMRII, both of which were made with the human fetal cell line WI-38. Another jump in autism prevalence occurred in 1988, corresponding to three factors:

  1. The addition of a second dose of MMRII
  2. A highly successful measles vaccination campaign that raised compliance from 50 to 82 percent between the years 1987 and 1989
  3. The introduction of Poliovax in 1987

In 1995, autism rates jumped again in response to the introduction of the Varicella vaccine, Varivax. In conclusion, the authors note that "rising autistic disorder prevalence is directly related to vaccines manufactured utilizing human fetal cells."

Although this is only one hypothesis for how and why vaccines may be contributing to the rising incidence of autism among children, there are many outstanding questions about vaccine science and po licy that must be answered quickly before more vaccines are added to the government recommended and mandated list for children and adults. In the meantime, to protect your own health and the health of your children, please empower yourself with information and become well informed about infectious diseases and vaccines so you can make wise health care choices.

Protect Children's Health by Getting Informed and Taking Positive Action

You can access more information about vaccination and health on this website and on the website of the nonprofit charity, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC) at The parent co-founders of NVIC, whose children were injured by DPT vaccine, launched the vaccine safety and informed consent movement in the U.S. in 1982. Their website is the largest and oldest website on the Internet publishing accurate, well referenced information about vaccination and infectious diseases.

• Post a video vaccine reaction report: You can make people more aware that vaccine reactions, injuries and deaths are real by posting a video vaccine reaction report on NVIC's online Memorial for Vaccine Victims here.

NVIC launched "Protect Life: Witness a Vaccine Reaction" on during Vaccine Awareness Week 2016, and I encourage you to participate if you or a loved one has experienced a serious vaccine reaction. Sharing your story of how vaccination changed your life or the life of someone you care about can educate and save other people from having to suffer in the same way.

• Take action to protect vaccine exemptions in your state: If you want to actively work in your state to protect legal vaccine exemptions so you are able to make voluntary vaccine choices for yourself and your children, I encourage you to sign up today to be a user of the free online NVIC Advocacy Portal, so you can be kept up to date on legislation moving in your state that may threaten vaccine exemptions and puts you in touch with your own elected representatives so you can make your voice heard.

It is up to all of us, individually, to participate in our democracy and make sure that that the laws, which govern us, do not infringe upon our civil liberties and take away our human right to exercise informed consent to vaccine risk-taking.

About the Director

I believe in bringing quality to my readers, which is why I wanted to share some information about the di rector, Kendall Nelson, from "The Greater Good." We sat down with Kendall to know a little more about what goes in to making these films. Thank you Kendall, for sharing the film with us. Don't forget to check out their Facebook Page HERE.

What was your inspiration for making this film?

My inspiration for making "The Greater Good" was to bring about awareness regarding vaccines and to explore both sides of the vaccine debate. Often, we are only presented the pro-vaccine side and it was important to me that we show that vaccine injury is real and not rare. It was my objective as a filmmaker to make a documentary that would encourage parents to do their own research so that they may make more informed choices for their families.

What was your favorite part of making this film?

My favorite part of making "The Greater Good" was getting to know the families we featured. Although it was often heart-wrenching, it was also very inspiring. I have also really enjoyed the education I have gotten along the way. I believe our film has paved the way for other films to talk about the vaccine issue. Maybe someday, it won't be such a taboo subject.

Where do the proceeds for your film go?

The proceeds for our film go to running an active engagement campaign to educate people about vaccines and to fight for health freedom, including fighting against the many state mandates we are seeing today.

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Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Vegan Dahl: A Seasonal Comfort Food Recipe

Annex Naturopathic

Vegan Dahl: A Seasonal Comfort Food Recipe | Annex Naturopathic Clinic | Toronto Naturopath

The change from hot to cold weather has me searching for comfort foods that will provide the feeling of warmth and energy.

As a N.D I'm regularly informing patients about healthy recipes and encouraging them to create a diet around the changing seasons.

One of my favourite spice palettes during the winter season is the warm, aromatic flavours of Indian cuisine -  likely because it’s full of warming, sweet spices designed by nature to boost our metabolism, increase circulation and  strengthen digestion, all properties that we need to warm our bodies during the colder seasons.

Any warm recipe containing these spices will be a good choice for the upcoming winter.  

Dahl is essentially made up of lentils, which are packed with protein, B vitamins, fibre and iron, making this legume a super food, especially for vegetarians/vegans.  

Lentils are an amazing source of protein because it contains all but two of the amino acids (the building blocks of protein).  

Lentils are high in one particular amino acid, lysine, a great remedy for viral infections, handy during cold and flu season. 

Top this on a small bed of basmati rice, or enjoy with a few whole grain (non-GMO) crackers.  


3 tablespoons coconut oil (or whatever you have)

1 medium yellow onion

1 tablespoon fresh ginger, grated

4 garlic cloves, minced

2 cups of spinach or chopped kale

1 teaspoon of fine seasalt

1 cup dried red lentils

2 tablespoon tomato paste

4-5 cups water or veg broth

5 plum tomatoes, chopped

juice of 1 lime

1 cup lightly packed chopped fresh cilantro

Spice blend

2 teaspoon mustard seeds

1 teaspoon fenugreek seeds

1 teaspoon coriander seeds

1 teaspoon cumin seeds

6 whole cloves

4 cardamom pods

2 dried red chilies (seeds removed)

1/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon

Vegan Dahl Recipe | Annex Naturopathic Clinic | Toronto Naturopath 


  1. In a sauté pan over medium heat, toast the seeds (but not the dried red chili) for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently (make sure not to burn). Be prepare for a strong (but pleasant), spicy aroma.
  2. Remove from pan and let cool. Transfer to coffee grinder, along with the dried red chili and cinnamon, and grind to a fine powder.
  3. Over medium-high heat oil a soup pot, add onions and sauté for 5 minutes. Add garlic and ginger and sauté 5 more minutes. Add ground spices and salt, sauté for 3 more
  4. Add 4 cups of water and stir to deglaze the pot. Add tomato paste and lentils. Bring to a boil then lower the heat a bit and simmer for 20 minutes.
  5. Add the tomatoes, greens, lime juice and cilantro and more water if it looks to thick. Simmer 10 more minutes, or until lentils are completely tender.
  6. Add extra salt as needed for taste

Some Tips to Cooking with Spices

  • You can buy all these spices at any bulk food store store them in a dark cook place
  • Spices like ground cumin and coriander go rancid 6 months after they are ground up that is why you should grind them yourself, rather than buying pre-ground versions keep them in the refrigerator and use within 6 months
  • Toasting the seeds before grinding activates and releases the volatile oils in the seeds, producing the well-known aroma of Indian dishes
  • YOU NEED SALT for any dish that uses these spices salt activates and brings out the flavours of other spices without it you will be disappointed in the overall taste (add salt according to preferred taste but not too much!)

If you’re curious to learn more about this subject or would like to consult with one of our NDs feel free to book a visit or contact us.

Yours in Health,

Annex Naturopathic Clinic
572 Bloor St W #201, Toronto, ON M6G 1K1

To find more tips about health, wellness, and alternative medicine, please visit us here: holistic doctors

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Roasted Delicata Squash with Apples & Sage

It's November, so let the countdown to Thanksgiving begin! My favorite part about this holiday: the sides! Of course there are the essentials: stuffing, mashed potatoes, a nd the infamous green bean casserole but what I'm really excited for is the Go to the recipe...

The post Roasted Delicata Squash with Apples & Sage appeared first on Love and Lemons.