Sunday, October 15, 2017

How to Give a Crystal Reflexology Treatment

First select a quartz crystal which has a very good polished/smooth single-terminated point.

Then remove socks, tights and/or footwear. Instructions below are for someone giving a crystal reflexology treatment to a 'client' but this method is just as easily administered and just as effective if you are treating yourself.

Also keep in mind that stimulating reflexes on the hands will work just as well as using foot reflexes it is really your preference!

Crystal reflexology treatments may either be done lying on a massage couch or sitting in a comfortable chair. When using the latter method you yourself need to sit on a stool so that you can place your client's feet upon your lap. Reflexology is basically a foot massage. Or, at least, that is the way that it is normally described!

The principles of reflex ology, of course, is that the feet consist of numerous reflex points; all of which relate to specific parts of the physical body.

An ordinary qualified reflexologist will use his/her hands to press into every one of these reflex points and when a health problem is diagnosed the client will often feel a sharp pain and the therapist will detect a small pea-like lump just under the surface of the skin.

In crystal reflexology, however, we do not need to be quite as precise. First, naturally, we must program our healing quartz crystal to re-balance any imbalances which might be discovered in the client's body as the treatment proceeds.

Using the single-terminated end of the quartz crystal the crystal healer very gently and without pressing too deep into the skin starts to rotate the crystal in a clockwise direction just lightly pushing into the skin.

Starting with the soles of the left foot, the crystal is moved slowly around to the sides, lightly touching the skin all the time, and then on to the upper part of the foot. All movements should be both slow and deliberate. Make sure that you cover all the surface of the foot. Then on to the right foot

Whenever the crystal healer obtains a reaction from the client he or she will spend a few moments directing crystalline healing energy into the appropriate reflex point.

As the crystal reflexology treatment ends the therapist takes the quartz crystal and lightly runs it over the entire surface of the foot; on the soles and on the upper part of both feet.

As a rough time guide I would suggest that you spend around thirty minutes per foot but naturally, this is completely flexible depending on what you find and upon the needs of your client!

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